- How does the auction work?
The auction allows farmers to bid for funding to implement and maintain one, or multiple, measures on their land which contribute to the improvement of water quality.
To do this, the user can bid for an amount of funding for the bundle of measures they wish to implement from a list provided on the website. The tool will indicate whether their bid is 'selected', which means that it currently qualifies for funding. This, however, can change if other users submit lower bids (i.e. will implement measures for less money). If a user's bid changes from 'selected' to 'unselected', they will be notified via email, and they can then lower their bid if they wish to do so.
- How will I know if my bid is successful?
When you place a bid, you will be able to see whether it's currently selected for funding. Then you will be emailed an update, but only if the status of your bid changes (i.e. if someone outbids it, so it changes from currently selected to unsuccessful).
Once the auction reaches the end of the initial round, all bids will be reviewed and you will receive a further email indicating your current status and if/what advice may strengthen your bid before a second window of application opens to amend this if you wish.
At the end of the second round, all bidders will receive confirmation if their bid was successful.
- Can I change my bid once I've submitted it?
The only way in which you can change your bid once you've submitted it is to decrease your price. This is to ensure that the auction remains fair and competitive.
If you've made a mistake with the non-monetary details of your bid, such as the location of your chosen measure, you will need to contact us at anthony@wrt.org.uk.
- What am I bidding for?
You are bidding for funding from the Westcountry Rivers Trust to implement or adopt one, or multiple, interventions or land management measures on your land.
For the main capital items you will need to maintain them (Woodland planting, Fencing, Buffers) for a minimum of 10 years, others (check dams, leaky dams, ponds and wetlands) for a minimum of five years from implementation, so you should account for this in your bid. The land management options (aerating/subsoiling or cover crops) are one-off options on the basis of one year/growing season.
- What are the measures?
Descriptions and factsheets for the measures can be found here
- How can I ensure that my measure meets standards?
Factsheets for each intervention measure can be found here with guidance.
After the auction closes, if your bid has been successful, you will be contacted by a member of our team to discuss how your chosen measures will work best on your land with their support. They will also make a follow-up site visit to ensure that the measure has been implemented correctly when completed.
- When and how will I be paid for implementing the measures?
Work is due to be carried out by September 2020 at the very latest due to the CPES project deadlines
After the follow-up site visit to verify that the measure has been implemented correctly and required evidence collated, payment will be made direct via bank transfer from Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT).
The purpose of installing the measures is to help deliver water quality improvements through Land Management and the use of alternative mechanisms between buyers and sellers, as part of the Channel Payments for Ecosystem Services (CPES) EU Interreg funded project. Funding for the measures comes from a partnership of Business interests which Westcountry Rivers Trust are hosting in the Tamar catchment via CPES, and from Defra support towards ELMs Tests & Trials
- What contract will I have to sign up to
This is the contract that WRT will have with you if you are successful in the auction.
- Who can I contact if I have a problem?
If you have a problem using the online auction tool, please contact Anthony Ellis anthony@wrt.org.uk or on 07539 117424.